If I Have to Work I May as Well Look Good

It’s finally Casual Friday again. TGIF for all of those of you who have been working for the weekend. If you are like me however,  Fashion Friday is just another day on the calender. When you work in retail, the weekend just means another work day.  I do have one vice though when it comes to making the time pass faster. Nothing says fast forward the work clock like donning a cute outfit.


For this edition of Fashion Friday, I chose to opt for a red top and embellished tank to lift my spirits about having to work whenever everyone else is out having fun. The trick to pulling off red and not looking like a dressed down version of Old St. Nick is to break up the red with either an interesting pattern or a great accessory. This week, I went with the interesting pattern option.  I found this at New York and Company when I went in to spend my City Cash (gotta love a coupon). The belt I chose had a slightly rocker chick vibe with the ringed detail. I finished the look off with my famous Friday knee-boot. At the end of the day my new outfit will make the fact that Friday is not the end of my work week a little less painful.

About @mfashforward

I am a fashion obsessed working mom of twin teenagers. I have spent my career in the retail industry dressing others on a daily basis. Now, I must strike a delicate balance by remaining fashion forward and having my teenagers still acknowledge my existence. Follow me on a journey into my fashion world.

Posted on December 7, 2012, in Bargain Shopping, Casual Friday, Fall, Fashion, Fashion Friday, Fashion Trends, Shopping, Style, Stylist and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Love it! Do you have a picture of the outfit? I want to see! Since I don’t work outside of the house anymore, I have to enjoy fashion through you lol!

    Thanks for linking up with the GtKY hop again :)!

  2. A new follower from the Meet and Greet Blog Hop. Hope you can stop by my blog as well.


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