A Balanced Closet

Is your closet balanced? It is virtually impossible to create a fashion forward wardrobe without starting with your closet. A versatile wardrobe is achieved when you have the perfect balance of several wardrobe elements.

Tops Versus Bottoms

The biggest mistake that people make when they are building their fashion forward wardrobe is that they do not invest in the proper balance of tops versus bottoms. In order to create the most versatile wardrobe possible the majority of your wardrobe should be composed of tops. In fact the perfect balance is a 70/30 ratio with 70 percent of your wardrobe dollars invested in the tops in your closet. People remember your top more vividly than they remember the pants that you are wearing so by investing your wardrobe dollars in tops, you are able to create the perception that you have more outfits that you actually do.

Creating a Balanced Wardrobe

Solids Versus Prints

Next, look at the balance of solids versus prints that you own. Your wardrobe should not lean to one extreme or another.  A wardrobe that is composed entirely of solid pieces is boring, but a wardrobe that is entirely made up of patterns is not at all versatile.  The ratio in your wardrobe should be 60/40 where 60 percent of your wardrobe is composed of solid pieces and 40 percent of your wardrobe is composed of patterned pieces.

Dressy Versus Casual

The ratio of dressy versus casual pieces in your wardrobe will depend on your own life circumstances. If you have a corporate type job where you wear a suit to work everyday, your wardrobe needs to lean to more to the dressy side. On the other hand if you have a casual lifestyle, your wardrobe should reflect that. The most important thing to remember when you are creating this type of balance is that you must have a look for every occasion.  Ensure that you have a look that will work in the event that you are invited to a formal event, a look that will work on the day of a big presentation, one that you can wear to a casual lunch or event with the kids and one that will serve you for those in between times that arise periodically.  Do not get caught with nothing to wear because you failed to plan.

So, how does your wardrobe stack up to the closet challenge?

About @mfashforward

I am a fashion obsessed working mom of twin teenagers. I have spent my career in the retail industry dressing others on a daily basis. Now, I must strike a delicate balance by remaining fashion forward and having my teenagers still acknowledge my existence. Follow me on a journey into my fashion world.

Posted on February 21, 2013, in Affordable, Bargain Shopping, Beauty, Closet Organization, Fashion, Fashion Trends, Shopping, Style, Stylist and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. My problem was that I had too many tops which caused the closet avalanche last month!

  2. My biggest closet challenge is not enough space…there’s just never enough! I’m visiting today from Thumping Thursdays. 🙂

  3. Honestly, I have imbalance closet. Need to work things out 🙂 Thanks for sharing the tips.

    Stopping by from SITS. Happy Sharefest,

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